Melanie’s HOPE (Help Our Pets Endure) was actually started back in 2008 when Melanie’s Mother, Step-Father, and Aunt first discussed starting an organization in Melanie’s name. This came about after supporting several events for other organization’s activities which allowed them to distribute missing person’s information on Melanie and other missing person’s cases. From that, the idea of Melanie’s HOPE (Help Our Pets Endure) started taking shape.
In 2013, Melanie’s HOPE (Help Our Pets Endure) started getting off the ground as an organization. They held a family gathering in Charleston, West Virginia and invited the public to join in. There was music, entertainment, face painting, a reptile demonstration, and fingerprinting for child safety by the local sheriff’s office.
In 2015, we officially became an IRS 501(c)(3) federal non-profit organization. As you see by the name “Melanie’s HOPE,” HOPE stands for Help Our Pets Endure. What do pets have to do with missing persons, you might ask? Actually; nothing. However, Melanie loved animals and believed in the care and proper treatment of all animals. Both Debi and Bill are also long time owners of several rescue animals themselves. Therefore, they have decided that proceeds from this organization will be used for two purposes, Missing Person’s Awareness and donations to non-profit animal rescue organizations.
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No one at HOPE draws a salary or receives any type of payment. Many of our volunteers reach deep into their own pockets to help stand up this organization and to keep it operating. Because of this, we hope that you can find it in your heart to donate to help our cause. In addition to monetary donations, we also accept pet related items for donations (such as kennels, unopened pet foods, unused pet toys, etc.).